public speaking


2022-05-6 CARO Workshop 2022 - Brno, CZ :czech_republic: - Researcher-Centered Threat Hunting Tooling


2020-01-28 CTI2020 - Cyber Threat Intelligence Conference - 4th edition - Brussels, BE :belgium: - Tracking, evaluating & clustering Mobile Threats


2019-06-22 BSides Athens 2019 - Athens, GR :greece: - Android malware from Global to Local: How a Different View Can Change Perspectives

2019-06-22 BSides Athens 2019 (Workshop) - Athens, GR :greece: - Tell me where you are? - a case study of GPS trackers security

2019-06-05 MWC Mobile 360 Latin America - Mexico City, MX :mexico: - Importance of Trusted industry players coming together to empower users to secure their mobile data


2018-11-30 AVAR - Goa, IN :india: - Using APKLAB.IO Mobile Threat Intel platform to fight banking threats

2018-10-20 HSBC Cyber Security Meetup - Prague, CZ :czech_republic: - Mobile Threat Intelligence and the rise of Mobile Banking Threats

2018-07-27 RSA Conference APJ - Singapore :singapore: - Using APKLAB.IO Mobile Threat Intel Platform to Fight Banking Threats

2018-06-23 BSides Athens - Athens, GR :greece: - Using Mobile Threat Intel platform to fight banking threats

2018-05-24 CARO Workshop 2018 - Portland (Oregon), US :us: - Chadron – Android Dynamic Analysis Sandbox